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Shabbat Services at Beverly Hills Synagogue is known to be a warm, welcoming, and enjoyable experience.  Pray along side your friends, hear the beautiful davening led by our Chazzan and congregants, and then join us following services each week for a wonderful kiddush with chullent. 

Mincha/Kabbalat Erev Shabbat Services on Fridays

6:30pm in the Summer/Changes based on sunset in Winter (see our Tefilla Notebook for the timing)

  • Candle lighting for women in the Beit Midrash
  • Scotch kiddush following services

Shabbat Morning Gemara Shiur (30 minutes before Shacharit)

[See more info on the Paul Feder z"l Gemara Shiur]

Shabbat Morning Services on Saturday Mornings

9:15am (9:00am on  Rosh Chodesh) 

Exploring Halacha  Pre-Mincha Shiur

 Shabbos Afternoons  (35 minutes before Mincha)     Followed by Seudah Shlishit

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784