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Rabbi David Stav

Saturday, December 21, 2024 20 Kislev 5785

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM9261 Alden Drive. Beverly Hills, CA 90210

There will be a kiddush luncheon following services.  Sponsorship list in formation. 

Thank you to our Kiddush Luncheon Co-Sponsors

Karen Lee Fisher
Sponsoring in memory of her father, Leonard Melvin Rosenthal z"l, whose yahrtzeit is on the 26th of Kislev

Ed & Cecile Gromis
Sponsoring in honor of the first Birthday of their granddaughter, Gila Grabel; and in honor of the 10th Birthday of their grandson, Simon Grabel

Jonathan & Faye Kellerman
Sponsoring in memory of Jonathan's mother, Sylvia Kellerman, Sima bat Avraham a"h, whose yahrtzeit is on the 23rd of Kislev

Hillel Laks
Sponsoring in memory of his mother, Celia Factor Laks, Tzila bat Hillel a"h, whose yahrtzeit is on the 8th of Kislev

Stuart & Fran Miller
Sponsoring in memory of Fran's mother, Hilda Eisen, Hinda bat Avraham a"h, whose yahrtzeit is on the 4th of Kislev.

Mark & Marlene Perl
Sponsoring in memory of Mark's mother, Jacqueline Perl, Jacqueline bat Yaakov a"h, whose yahrtzeit is on the 19th of Kislev.

Michael & Shari Weiner
Sponsoring in memory of Shari's father, Jack Finkelstein, Abraham Yakov z"l, whose yahrtzeit is on the 11th of Kislev. 

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Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785