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New Mikvah in North Beverly Hills


YINBH Beverly Hills Synagogue
9261 Alden Drive • Beverly Hills, CA 90210

The brand new YINBH Mikvah has been a long-time-coming labor of love and we are thrilled to let you know that it is ready for use.  You can book your weekday appointment up until 9 hours in advance using the app/website.  Motzai Shabbat appointments must be made 48 hours in advance.  If you need a same-day appointment and it is less than 9 hours before your appointment, please send a text to our text-only number 310-299-1792.  

We are excited to serve the community and look forward to providing you with a warm and personable experience.  Should you encounter any problems or have any questions while booking your appointment, please don't hesitate to contact us.

PHONE  310-278-7485 
TEXT ONLY  310-299-1792


Entrance to the Mikvah is through garage gate into the lower level. Please press buzzer to be let in. Once in the garage, follow the signs to the Mikvah.

FAQs Fee
Kallahs/Brides Directions/Instructions
Halachic Certification Our Story
Resources Keilim Mikvah

For Kallahs /Brides

Mazal Tov on your upcoming wedding!  We are so happy to be able to assist you in the beautiful mitzvah of mikvah leading up to your wedding. 

We allow special daytime Kallah appointments by special request.  Cost: $100

No more than 1 guest can accompany you to the Mikvah. 

We require that kallahs must have taken classes with a kallah teacher before their mikvah appointment.   To make a Kallah appointment, please email or text 310-299-1792.  Please let us know when you would like to make your kallah appointment and the name of the kallah teacher you learned with.  If you would like to take kallah classes and have not yet done so, please let us know. 


The mikvah is located in the private lower-level of YINBH Beverly Hills Synagogue.  We are centrally located just South of the Flats and west of Cedar-Sinai/Four Seasons area.  

9261 Alden Drive • Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Enter through the garage by pressing the buzzer that is to the left of the driver's door when you pull in front of the garage gate.  The mikvah attendant will answer and will buzz you in.  Note: If the mikvah attendant does not respond immediately, it means that they are with someone  and will let you in as soon as they are available. 

At the garage gate, the bollards will lower and the gate will open for you to enter.  Please pull in to the first parking spots on the left, which are specific private parking spots only for Mikvah attendees.  To ensure that your visit is fully confidential, there will not be anyone else using the parking lot during the time Women's Mikvah appointment times.  


The cost is $45 per visit.  Kallah Appointments are $100

We also sell Bedikah Clothes at $3.00 per package.  You can pre-order when you book your appointment or you can purchase at the Mikvah when you arrive for your appointment. 


Q: Do I need to make an appointment in order to come to the mikvah?

A: We are an appointment-only based Mikvah. You can book your appointment up until 9 hours in advance.   Friday and Yom Tov Appointments must be book 24 hours in advance.  Motzai Shabbat appointments must be booked 48 hours in advance. 

Q: What if I need a same day appointment and I cannot book on the app/website?

A: If you need a same day appointment and the time period for booking has expired, please send a text to our text-only number 310-299-1792 and we will do our best to make you an appointment. 

Q: When can I come to the mikvah?

A:   The Mikvah is open every night during the year, except on Yom Kippur and Tisha B’av.  The mikvah hours vary depending on the time of year, but the general rule is the mikvah will be open starting at neitz and will remain open for those who made appointments up to 4 hours. Motzai Shabbat and Motai Yom Tov Appointments begin 1 hour after neitz.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: It costs $45 per Mikvah visit.  It costs $100 for a Kallah appointment. 

Q: Can I set up an appointment during daytime hours for a bride?

A: Yes, please email or call 310-278-7485 to book a kallah appointment.  You can also send a text message to 310-299-1792

Halachic Certification

Our Mikvah was prepared and filled under the authority of Rabbi Yitzchok Trieger, the Chief Halachic Consultant of The Mikvah Tahara Association .

Rabbi Trieger is an internationally acclaimed authority on the numerous complexities and nuances of building and maintaining a kosher mikva. He flies all over the world to oversee the halachic details of countless mikva projects, and he was intimately involved with all the details pertaining to the mikva in Beverly Hills.

Our mikvah is acceptable for use by both non-Chabad and Chabad women, as it was constructed with both a "Bor Min Hatzad" and "Bor Al Gabei Bor" in consultation with expert halakhic guidance.

All ongoing Halachic issues and Beverly Hills mikva policies are determined and decided upon by Rabbi Pini Dunner, in consultation with other poskim and mikva experts.


In March 2022, Young Israel of North Beverly Hills opened the first ever mikvah in Beverly Hills. The Beverly Hills mikvah was constructed under the auspices of Rabbi Pini Dunner, and with the philanthropic support of the Hertz family, Ezra and Lauren Kest, George and Irina Schaeffer, and Lee Samson, in memory of his late wife Anne a”h.

The concrete for the Beverly Hills mikvah was initially poured in 2006, but it was not until 2014 that work began on completing the mikvah. The first general contractor was Louis Krokover of Newday Construction. However, construction proceeded slowly and was halted in 2018.

The following year, construction recommenced, this time using general contractor David Asulin of Mr Build Construction. David brought the project to its completion in early 2022. Throughout the mikvah construction project, from the very beginning until completion, our guide for all the design and engineering was architect Richard Ramer.


Our mikvah facility includes a gorgeous modern 8’ x 8’ mikvah pool and two luxurious spa-like prep rooms, with ample space and amenities for all the necessary preparations. The pool itself features stunning design, including a live water feature.

We ensure a relaxing experience by providing ambient music in the pool and prep rooms. Each prep room is prepared with bathrobes, fresh terrycloth towels and comfortable slippers, as well as all the necessary prep items.

There is also a comfortable waiting room, fully equipped with high-speed WIFI. However, there is not much waiting, as the mikvah appointment system we use is the user-friendly Mikvah Cloud app, which allows the women to reserve their prep rooms ahead of time and which can customize their visit according to a range of specific needs. 

We ensure that there is no pressure to rush your mikvah visit, as we allow plenty of time for each woman to fully prepare and immerse in the mikvah without time constraints. As there are only two prep rooms, we ensure full privacy and comfort while taking part in the important mitzvah of mikvah immersion.

There is always a mikvah attendant on site who is trained to answer any questions you may have, and who will make sure that each immersion is done according to the halacha.


Donations to the YINBH Mikvah are fully tax-deductible and go directly to the upkeep and operations of our important Beverly Hills Mikvah. 

Click Here to Donate by Credit Card

Please Select "Mikvah" from the Donation Type Drop Down

If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to "YINBH Mikvah" and mail it to us at 9261 Alden Drive. Beverly Hills, CA 90210.  Tax ID number is 95-4394879

The Story of How We Filled Our Mikvah Using Snow From Utah

The official figure for average annual rainfall in Los Angeles is 14.5 inches, but in reality we have not hit that target in 6 out of the past 10 years.


Which is why, this past Sunday afternoon, I packed up a car with 400 onion sacks and 7 shovels, and drove for almost 12 hours to Aspen Ridge at Powder Mountain, in Eden, Utah, where early on Monday morning I met with a team of workers, along with a rabbinic mikvah expert who had flown in from New York, to harvest snow at an 8770-foot (2763 meter) elevation on the side of the mountain.


Click Here to Read the Full Article from Rabbi Pini Dunner on how we filled our Mikvah using Snow that was retrieved from the mountains in Utah


Watch the Timelapse Video of the Snow from Utah melting and filling up the Mikvah:  



 Mikvah and Halachot Resources:

Fertility Resources:

Yesh Tikvah 

Kelim Mikvah

We have a brand-new Keilim mikvah, which can be accessed from inside our garage.

Thank You

Steven & Vivian Dorfman Keilim Mikvah
Dedicated in memory of thier parents
Alex Dorfman, Tzvi ben Dovid HaCohen z"l
Anne Dorfman, Chana Braina bat Yosef a"h
Sam Weiss, Mordechai Shimon ben Yitzchak Yehudah z"l


The hours of the keilim mikvah are:

Monday-Thursday 9:30am - 5:00pm
Friday 9:30am - 1:30pm
Sunday hours - We plan to offer Sunday hours, but have not yet finalized when we will start offering Sunday hours. 


Enter the Keilim mikvah by pulling your car up to the garage gate and press the buzzer.  The office staff will allow entrance to the garage.  Once inside, 

Notes: We do not provide towels to dry off the keilim.  Please make sure to bring your own towels. 


We ask for an $18 suggested donation when using the keilim mikvah.  The funds go to the upkeep and operations of the mikvah.  You can donate via this link, or mail a check made out to "YINBH Mikvah" to us at 9261 Alden Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210.  You can also bring a cash donation with you and place it in the donation box that is right next to the mikvah.

Thank you for your donation to the YINBH Mikvah.  Please fill in the form below and submit your credit card.
If you would prefer to send a check, please make the check out to "YINBH Mikvah" and mail it to us at:
YINBH Beverly Hills Synagogue
9261 Alden Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Our Tax ID Number is 95-4394879
Thank you for your donation to the YINBH Mikvah


Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyyar 5784