Tu Bishvat Garden Focaccia Event Thursday, Feb 13th 7:00p to 9:00p Inviting all women for a joint sisterhood/event committee Tu Bishvat evening to suport and luanch our new Hospitality committee.
Hamentash Baking Event Sunday, Mar 2nd 11:00a to 1:00p Let's get into Purim mode with a fun-filled family hamentash event, complete with activities, and a delicious pizza lunch.
Sponsorships available
Sponsor Options $360 (Admits 1 family) $540 (admits 2 families)
Israel Mission Sunday, Apr 27th 6:00a to Thursday, May 1st 8:00p This journey is more than a trip; it’s a statement of unity, hope, and commitment to Israel’s future. Through meaningful encounters, visits to key sites, and acts of kindness, we’ll show that Am Yisrael Chai—our people endure, stronger together.